??SAT寫作技巧1:在文章中使用specific words
??少general words,多增加specific images。這兩者怎么區(qū)別呢?我們來舉個例子,car就是general words,因為車的種類有很多,而Benz SUV 就是specific words。在考試的中,多使用specific words可以幫助把物體解釋的更清楚,讀者也會獲得更多的信息,使他們對你的文章更方便了解。
??General :Tom got into his car and drove off.
??Specific :Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.
??Verb to be :the use of leaf blowers before 8 am is a violation of local noise abatement laws.
??Action verb :the use of leaf blowers before 8 am violates local noise abatement laws.
??Verb to be :The quarterback’s wretched performance was a disgrace to his team.
??Action verb :The quarterback’s wretched performance humiliated his team.
??在寫作中,有的同學習慣使用一些例如 ugly as sin, pretty as a picture之類的詞匯。在這里,建議大家不要使用這類詞匯。因為在使用這些詞匯的時候,會給讀者一種陳詞濫調(diào)、平淡無味的感覺,更有可能使讀者誤會你本身的意思。
??General :I was shaking in my boots before the interview,but I was happy as a lark when the personnel manager offered me the job.
??Improved :I was terrified before the interview, but I was ecstatic when the personnel manager offered me the job.
??例:Brian’s mother reprimanded him for blowing his physic test.
??Improved :Brian’s mother reprimanded him for failing his physic test.
??例:The glee club held a fund-raiser, the basketball team also held a fundraiser.
??Improved sentences :The glee club and the basketball team held fundraisers (compound subject)。