[1]As technology improves, and more and more tasks arecompleted by machines instead of humans, the question is no longer about whatwe can do with machines, but rather what we should. [2]Although the usage of machines increasesefficiency and our standard of living, it detracts from the value of human life.
本段是文章的Introduction部分,第[1]句從當(dāng)前社會(huì)現(xiàn)象入手,提出本文要探討的問(wèn)題,第[2]句使用一個(gè)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,although部分置于前端,巧妙地對(duì)應(yīng)了文章主體段的第*部分,并且辯證地提出個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)(thesis statement),可謂是言簡(jiǎn)意賅。
[1]As machines increasingly perform all our basic tasks, society is ableto produce more. [2]The additional production adds material valueto our society and frees people up from these low-skill tasks. [3]This is in agreement with Perspective Two which claims that this industrialization leads tomore prosperity. [4]For example,in the 18th century, short-staple cotton that was grown in the Southern UnitedStates required an immense amount of labor in order to separate the seeds fromthe fiber to process the cotton to make it marketable. [5]However,in the mid-19th century, Eli Whitney, an American entrepreneur, invented thecotton gin, which allowed for automation of cotton processing. [6]This machine replaced the need of a large workforce for the process and greatly improved production. [7]Asa result of the cotton gin, short-staple cotton production skyrocketed,increasing by more than 10 times in the South while bringing prosperity to theregion and setting in motion a new industrial era in America. [8]This is in agreement with Perspective Three, which says that mechanization allows for“unimagined possibilities”. [9]Although there are clearly many advantages toindustrialization, there are also some heavy drawbacks.
本段是主體段第*部分,第[1]句是topic sentence,照應(yīng)本文thesis statement的“Although theusage of machines increases efficiency and our standard of living”,第[3]和[8]句分別闡述了與命題中觀點(diǎn)二和觀點(diǎn)三的邏輯關(guān)系,并輔以例證(第[4]到[7]句)。本段結(jié)尾處第[9]句是一過(guò)渡句,承上啟下,使得文章結(jié)構(gòu)極為嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)。
[1]The replacement of humans by machines leads to the loss of value tohuman life, an effect that outweighs the material gains of automation. [2]The search to findhuman tasks that can be performed by machines inevitably leads to comparisonetween the human and the machine. [3]If acompany executive wants to see if an inventory management team can be replacedby a robotic system, he will compare the two and determine which can do abetter job. [4]When this occurs, the peopleon the team are evaluated not for their worth as human beings, but for theireffectiveness at performing a specific function—in essence, as we wouldevaluate a machine. [5]In a larger sense,when we begin to think about humans in this way, the worth of a person’s lifebecomes dependent on only what they can do and no longer has any intrinsicvalue. [6]As Perspective Onestates, we begin to lose our humanity. [7]Thisnew mindset and way of evaluating people, though seemingly harmless in theworkplace, is devastating when it begins to pervade a society. [8]If a person is judged only on his or hercapability, there is no reason for a person to remain after they have servedtheir function. [9]This would warrantgenocide against the elderly and the disabled because their burden on societywould not be made up for by any production. [10]Althoughthe machines may seem to only fulfill the low skill jobs at the moment, thereis no barrier to prevent the machines from replacing more. [11]As the machinesincrease in intelligence, they will replace any tasks done by humans and renderus unnecessary and worthless.
本段是主體段第二部分,第[1]句是topic sentence,照應(yīng)本文thesis statement的“it detractsfrom the value of human life”,第[6]句闡述了與命題中觀點(diǎn)一的邏輯關(guān)系,進(jìn)一步明確個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)。本段中雖然沒有像第*部分那樣給出具體的例證,但是使用了推理性論證的手法,倒也能自圓其說(shuō)。(例證的時(shí)候,建議大家使用具體的例證,說(shuō)服力會(huì)更強(qiáng)一些)本段結(jié)尾處第[11]句是小結(jié),既照應(yīng)了本段開頭,又讓主題顯得更加鮮明。
Due to the risks of dehumanization, the materialbenefits of machines are not enough to justify its increasing presence.